The last picture is of our niece Alyssa w/ her new dog. Boy is she so excited to have a new dog :)
We hope to get another dog when we have a house w/ a yard.
Ok, on to a more depressing note. On Friday, April 25, 2008, the US Embassy in Hanoi took the unprecedented step of releasing a detailed "Summary of Irregularities in Adoptions in Vietnam" about the adoption corruption their recent investigations uncovered in Vietnam. The text of this summary can be found at: http://vietnam. usembassy. gov/irreg_ adoptions042508. html
The bottom line is that we won't have everything in order before Vietnam closes in September. We could try really hard to meet the deadlines but if we don't, we risk the chance of losing a lot of $. We are both extremely upset about this. We had our heart set on this and were really looking forward to adopting our child from Vietnam. So, now we have to find another country to adopt from. I've made numerous phone calls over the past 48 hours and so far I have not made much progress. I seem to be getting a LOT of conflicting info online and from different adoption agencies. I think it is a lot easier when the dad has a disability as opposed to the mother. I've encountered stories of people that didn't have any problems adopting when the husband was the one w/ the disability as opposed to the wife. This is really upsetting to me b/c I am a very independent person and know I can care for a child. Yes, it will take some adaptions and some help initially but there is no doubt in my mind that I can. The fact that so many people see me in such a negative light is so upsetting. Obviously they don't know me personally but it is so hard not to take things personally. For example, today I called an agency to inquire about adopting from Russia. Once the woman heard that I use a wheelchair sahe became very negative and said that in Russia they won't believe that I am capable of taking care of a child b/c I use a wheelchair. Now I know things are different outside the U.S. but COME ON!!!!!!!!I think part of it is that I'm so adjusted to being disabled. It has been almost 17 years so I'm very used to it. I tried to explain to this woman that really the only thing I can't do is stand up but she just did not seem to get it.
Anyway, I feel like we are starting frrom square one but we really aren't b/c at least we have our home study approved, which by the way came in the mail today. The countries I am currently reseaching are as follows:
- The Phillipines
- Tiawan
- Russia
- The Marshall Islands
- Panama
- Puru
- Nepal
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