Saturday, February 17, 2007

We've Been Tagged!

Okay - a few of you may know that it is my friend Tami from California that started us on this whole blog adventure. I would frequent her blog on a daily basis and get disappointed when she had not posted anything new. So, I guess a tern in the Blog world is tagging someone when you want them to respond to their blog. Well, Tami tagged us and here is the assignment:

Rules: Each player of this game starts with the 6 weird things/habits about you. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.This is hard for me. We found it hard to come up with a list.

Caitlin's 6:
1. I love buying make up and get sucked into buying the expensive kind if there is a free gift involved, even if I don't need it!
2. I'm very fussy about coffee (especially Kyle's)
3. I obsess over food too much & it annoys me
4. I've become a lot more anxious over the past few years
5. I'm very particular about certain meals much to the dismay of my older sister. For example, I need to have applesauce with pork chops and cranberry sauce with a certain family chicken recipe.
6. I am a total dork sometimes and use cheesy works like "yumarooskie, okiedokie, groovy, etc.

Kyle's 6:
1. I watch the History channel sometimes to an extreme. A while back, I was obsessed on learning about the Vietnam war. They never really went into the war in detail when I was in High School or College. I just wanted to know why it took the course that it did & how it relates to the US's military policy today. I was only interested in learning about the war, in terms of a history standpoint, not a political one. I am not trying persuade anyone's feelings in terms of war. It is what it was.... besides I was just born during it...
2. I sometimes fixate on songs. I keep saying the same words over and over again.... Just like some
3. Yes, I also believe in ghosts. I find that subject fascinating.
4. I also give many nicknames to the dog. i e: Rosegirl, the baby rose, the big old girl.
5. I like Christmas songs... I like to hear them the day after Thanksgiving thru Xmas. I just figure I hear the same old music all year long that it is nice to hear them for usually less than a month.
6. I can be a packrat.

Well that is it for me. Tag your it Kerri & Aunt Mo.


Maureen "Mo" Reilly said...

Yikes! Since I know I can't tag six people's blogs...I don't even know six people with blogs! I am going to do my tag assignment here!

Six weird habits/things:

1) I am a newsaholic. I cannot go for more than a few hours without watching the news!
2) I have to do at least one crossword puzzle and/or sudoku a day! And usually I do more
3) I insist on good will make or break my meal!
4) I can be obsessive about numbers - in my head - figuring out the mathematical relationships of any group of numbers!
5) I can not go to sleep without reading first! Even if its a short article - but preferably a few chapters in a book
6) I have to have a glass of ice water and a box of kleenex beside my bed before going to sleep!

I could go on..but hey, this is what psychiatrists get paid the big bucks for!


Anonymous said...

Do I have to come up with six new? Shouldn't be hard. LOL! I'll be back... :)

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm back. I'm going to put of the same ones and some new ones other than what I wrote in my own blog:

Here I go:

1) I WILL SING TO ANYTHING. I KNOW ALL SONGS in practically all genre's, except most rap and some country after listening to them a couple of times. And I MUST sing I cannot help myself, (especially in the car with Tami). I MUST have the radio on while in the shower. (I adore Christmas Songs too Kyle, and play them after Thanksgiving through Christmas non-stop.Yay for us!).

2) I don't get caught up a lot in how clean things "should be", or dieting. I should. But I don't. I'm not a complete slob, or total pig, I just have better things to worry about.

3) I can't whistle. I've tried. I also can't roll my tongue. WEIRD.

4)I, like Tami and Kyle, am also completely facinated by the paranormal. Although it freaks me out. I have had some weird experiences with the paranormal, and dreams and deja-vu, and am HIGHLY sensitive to the way a room feels when you walk into it. I'm also highly sensitive to following my gut about such things.

5) All of the guys that I've had crushes on in my life, have developed some sort of inadvertant nickname when talking to my friends. Ex: "Squarehead" or "Old Spanish dude". LOL! I don't mean for it to happen, it just does. But the guys that I've TRULY liked/ loved? Never have them. Weird, huh?

6)I have a sick facination with Brittany Spears and Justin Timberlake. I don't know. I just do. And my 32 year-old self has *the tiniest* of crushes on that boy. :)

I have no one new to tag. :P

Anonymous said...

Mo, holy moly... I am so much like you. It must be in the genes. I too have to have a glass of water on my nightstand when I go to bed. I am not a newsaholic but a entertainmentacholic (not a word!)Thanks for responding. I do like to keep up on current events.

Kerri, loved your answers too. Did you know that rolling the tongue is a genetic thing? So, don't blame yourself, blame your parents! Hugs to you all :)

Tami said...

Hey Kerri - I think most of those nicknames might be my fault...:)

And if enough of our "weird/unique" things are shared with others, does that make them normal?

Kyle- I too LOVE Christmas music! And listen to almost nothing else during the season.