Well, not much is new here. Last weekend Kyle had the flu. He was out of work on Friday. Apparently, there is some stomach virus going around and he picked it up. Cait went out while he slept. She is trying to get caught up on the Oscar movies. She loves this time of year for it's movies. Sunday we got caught up cleaning the condo. Kyle was back to himself. Monday it was back to the grind. Funny how we never really understand how much of a grind working really is when were young. However, when you have to get up 5:40am every day and do not get home until, usually, 6:30pm. You quickly realize how much of a grind work really is. We can empathize with everyone... Tuesday was a very busy day for both of us at work. We were exhausted when we turned in for bed. Today brought a dusting of fluffy snow.
On a different note, Kyle read this article about a couple that choose not to watch TV. Apparently, the couples lives became less stressful after they started this. The gist of the article was that they would get home from work and they usually would turn on the TV and it would become background noise as the prepared their dinner. The couple talking with one another decided to stop watching TV. Suddenly there was less stress being created in their lives. They found their lives better off for not watching TV. The reason I am mentioning this story is that we are thinking of trying something like this. We are resolving to watch TV a couple nights a week, Tuesday and Wednesday. These are the two nights which have shows we both enjoy. The others we will try to read more and be with each other and enjoy one another's company. We'll keep everyone posted on how it is going. :)
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Not much new here...
Posted by A Day in the Life of Cait & Kyle at Wednesday, January 31, 2007 3 comments
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
What Really Matters?
Hi All.
I received the write up below via email from my friend Tony. I have read it before and have always loved it, so I figured I'd post it! As most of you know, I'm into all the "touchy feely"stuff and love stuff like this. I'm sure most of you have seen it but I think it is worth re-reading as it is so thought provoking. Thanks to all of those that have made such a difference. It is the little things that matter!
Subject: Charles Schultz's Philosophy
Thought you might appreciate this message as we begin a new year....
The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the "Peanuts" comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just read the e-mail straight through, and you'll get the point.
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America.
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winner for best actor and actress.
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.
How did you do?
The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners . Here's another quiz.
See how you do on this one:
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care. Pass this on to those people who have made a difference in your life. You are receiving this because you made a difference in mine. "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.It's already tomorrow in Australia ." (Charles Schultz)
Posted by A Day in the Life of Cait & Kyle at Tuesday, January 23, 2007 1 comments
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Winter is Here...
Winter is finally here.... We woke up this morning and it was 11. Cait said -7 with windchill... Cait does not like the cold. You can say, Cait and the cold do not mix. Our weekend was busy as usually it is. Kyle went down to RI with his sister's husband to pick up tile for the kitchen and bathrooms. We do not like the lineoum that is down now. It gets dirty so easy. We will set up a weekend in Feb. to tile one bathroom and the kitchen. Then schedule another weekend about a month later to do the 2nd bathroom. On Sunday we spent the day doing our weekly chores, laundry, cleaning and grocery shopping. Sunday evening we went over Cait's brothers to watch the Pats game and have dinner.
On monday Kyle had to work. He had to drive to Hartford to another site the company has. Cait was off. Hope all is well with you all.
Posted by A Day in the Life of Cait & Kyle at Wednesday, January 17, 2007 2 comments
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
All Serious Now
Well, Kyle has informed me that the boyfried pillow is getting old, so I guess that means I'll have to move on to another joke, but I'll hold off for now. All serious now, the weekend was nice. We spent time with Kyle's sister and her family on Saturday. We celeberated a belated Christmas with them & went out to dinner @ Joe's American Bar & Grill. On Sunday, we watched the Patriots game over Megan's house (my friend not my sister.) Monday was rainy so Rosie and I hung out at home. I made a yummy dinner. It was Rasberry Balsamic chicken (Cooking Light). So nice when diet food is actually good. Let me know if you want the recipe. It is super easy too. Tomorrow I'm working @ home and am thrilled about being to able to sleep later than normal and not having to commute. Poor Kyle will get stuck taking the train. Sorry Ky!
Well, since there isn't too much going on this week and V-day isn't too far away (sorry Tami), I figured I'd post the following Romance related quiz.
I got a 78% romantic. I guess I need to work on that. I thought I'd at least get a B.
Have a great one!
Posted by A Day in the Life of Cait & Kyle at Tuesday, January 09, 2007 4 comments
Friday, January 5, 2007
BOTTOMLESS pit o' burnin' love!
Hi all - sorry to be so obsessive, but you know how exciting new love can be - butterflies and all. Update - lunch at a romantic bistro where I purposely spilled wine on my date - hence this picture of my honey in my office underneath this cashmere blanky (we prefer silk but there are others around - so discretion is key). If you're at all curious as to the inscription on my darling's thought bubble - he's professing his undying love for me (along with a few select co-workers :-o ).
I know I'll be able to corral that stallion for myself given enough time. One negative, had a fist fight - and won - with a girl that I used to be friendly with - Why? You guessed it - my loved one was covorting with her, they were flirting incessantly and I cracked like an egg, went bulistic. Good thing it's Friday, I need a break from all this drama. Hope you all enjoy yourselves too.
PS> Can you spot his brand new hickey - it was dessert.
Posted by A Day in the Life of Cait & Kyle at Friday, January 05, 2007 4 comments
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Me and the Man!!!!
Posted by A Day in the Life of Cait & Kyle at Thursday, January 04, 2007 5 comments
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Welcome 2007
Well a new year is here.. Hopefully it will be a good one.
New Year's Eve was fun we went over Kyle's friends, Bob & Sue's, for dinner and games. We played TABOO, which was a lot of fun! Food was delicious and the games were fun. We arrived home around 1am. A truly late night for us, considering we usually are in bed and a sleep around 10pm nightly. New Year's day brought rain. We had a productive day cleaning up and putting away most of the Christmas decorations. We kept a few of the snowman decorations out b/c we typically leave them out all winter. Although it doesn't feel like winter lately as the temperature is close to 60 lately. That is very atypical for New England, but we love it! We never did get to the movies on New Years day as planned.
I've had the last 5 days off and boy have they flown. I slept a lot and got some important stuff done such as an oil change and some organizing around the condo. Back to work tomorrow for my 2 day work week. Gotta love my cushy federal job!
As many of you know my friend Tami from California (not to be confused with Tammy from Seattle) has a blog that I visit regularly . She usually posts some pretty interesting and fun quizzes. Anyway, her most recent post contained a quiz on rating how nerdy you are! In college, I used to call her Nerdine and she called me Dorkaroo. Anyway, I'm posting the same quiz that I stole from Tami's blog just for fun. The major consensus on the quiz is that it isn't very accurate but it is still fun. I also posted the lyrics to a really funny song about nerds by weird Al (more on that below). Have any of you heard it yet?
Okay, I had to post the lyrics to this hysterical/cheesy song. I am not a weird Al fan but I get a real kick out of this song and it kind of ties into the quiz above. I saw this song several weeks ago on The MTV Music Awards ( I think) and had no idea that weird Al was the singer. You kind of have to actually hear the song to get the real humor in it. This video might be worth the $2.00 to buy on ITUNES.
Weird Al Yankovic
White & Nerdy
They see me mowin' my front lawn
I know they're all thinkin' I'm so
White and nerdy
Think I'm just too white and nerdy
Think I'm just too white and nerdy
Can't you see I'm white and nerdy
Look at me I'm white and nerdy
I wanna roll with the gangstas
But so far they all think I'm too
White and nerdy
Think I'm just too white and nerdy
Think I'm just too white and nerdy
I'm just too white and nerdy
Really, really white and nerdy
First in my class here at MIT
Got skills, I'm a champion at D&D
M.C. Escher, that's my favorite M.C.
Keep your 40, I'll just have an Earl Grey tea
My rims never spin, to the contrary
You'll find that they're quite stationary
All of my action figures are cherry
Stephen Hawking's in my library
My MySpace page is all totally pimped out
Got people beggin' for my top eight spaces
Yo, I know pi to a thousand places
Ain't got no grills but I still wear braces
I order all of my sandwiches with mayonnaise
I'm a wiz at Minesweeper, I could play for days
Once you've see my sweet moves, you're gonna stay amazed
My fingers movin' so fast I'll set the place ablaze
There's no killer app I haven't run (run)
At Pascal, well I'm number one (one)
Do vector calculus just for fun
I ain't got a gat, but I got a soldering gun (what?)
Happy Days is my favorite theme song
I could sure kick your butt in a game of ping pong
I'll ace any trivia quiz you bring on
I'm fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon
Here's the part I sing on...
You see me roll on my Segway
I know in my heart they think I'm
White and nerdy
Think I'm just too white and nerdy
Think I'm just too white and nerdy
Can't you see I'm white and nerdy
Look at me I'm white and nerdy
I'd like to roll with the gangstas
Although it's apparent I'm too
White and nerdy
Think I'm just too white and nerdy
Think I'm just too white and nerdy
I'm just too white and nerdy
How'd I get so white and nerdy
I been browsin', inspectin' X-Men comics
You know I collect 'em
The pens in my pocket, I must protect them
My ergonomic keyboard never leaves me bored
Shoppin' online for deals on some writable media
I edit Wikipedia
I memorized Holy Grail really well
I can recite it right now and have you R-O-T-F-L-O-L
I got a business doing websites (websites)
When my friends need some code, who do they call?
I do HTML for 'em all
Even made a homepage for my dog, yo
I got myself a fanny pack
They were havin' a sale down at The Gap
Spend my nights with a roll of bubble wrap
Pop, pop - hope no one sees me, gettin' freaky
I'm nerdy in the extreme and
Whiter than sour cream
I was in AV club and glee club
And even the chess team
Only question I ever thought was hard
Was "Do I like Kirk or do I like Picard?"
Spend every weekend at the Renaissance Fair
Got my name on my underwear
They see me strollin', they laughin'
And rollin' their eyes cause I'm so
White and nerdy
Just because I'm white and nerdy
Just because I'm white and nerdy
All because I'm white and nerdy
Holy cow, I'm white and nerdy
I wanna bowl with the gangstas
But oh well, it's obvious I'm
White and nerdy
Think I'm just too white and nerdy
Think I'm just too white and nerdy
I'm just too white and nerdy
Look at me I'm white and nerdy
Posted by A Day in the Life of Cait & Kyle at Tuesday, January 02, 2007 4 comments