Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Not much new here...

Well, not much is new here. Last weekend Kyle had the flu. He was out of work on Friday. Apparently, there is some stomach virus going around and he picked it up. Cait went out while he slept. She is trying to get caught up on the Oscar movies. She loves this time of year for it's movies. Sunday we got caught up cleaning the condo. Kyle was back to himself. Monday it was back to the grind. Funny how we never really understand how much of a grind working really is when were young. However, when you have to get up 5:40am every day and do not get home until, usually, 6:30pm. You quickly realize how much of a grind work really is. We can empathize with everyone... Tuesday was a very busy day for both of us at work. We were exhausted when we turned in for bed. Today brought a dusting of fluffy snow.

On a different note, Kyle read this article about a couple that choose not to watch TV. Apparently, the couples lives became less stressful after they started this. The gist of the article was that they would get home from work and they usually would turn on the TV and it would become background noise as the prepared their dinner. The couple talking with one another decided to stop watching TV. Suddenly there was less stress being created in their lives. They found their lives better off for not watching TV. The reason I am mentioning this story is that we are thinking of trying something like this. We are resolving to watch TV a couple nights a week, Tuesday and Wednesday. These are the two nights which have shows we both enjoy. The others we will try to read more and be with each other and enjoy one another's company. We'll keep everyone posted on how it is going. :)


Anonymous said...

My husband and I turn the TV off when there is nothing on that we want to watch. I realize that sounds funny, but we don't scroll through the listings, we read the guide and if there is nothing interesting we just turn it off. We both read a lot, and I will say the house is much cleaner because I am not glued to the TV. We also turn the TV off during dinner, (unless there is a King's game on, and then we eat in front of the TV - we are such addicts!). Good luck to you and Kyle if you try this, you may really like it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Wanda (Tami's mom). We really appreciate your response. We have been kind of bummed b/c we hardly get any responses on our blog :( I guess our lives are too boring! J/K
Anyway, I think Kyle mentioned in the last post that he read an article in one of our local papers about a couple who gave up tv (I think for a new year's resolution) and what an improvement it was for them. He suggested we try it b/c we were just watching tv to watch tv, if that makes any sense. There are a few shows we like but not enough to warrent having it on every night. I must admit that I miss watching my trashy entertainment shows from 7-8 the most. Anyway, thanks for your encouragment! Hope all is well in the SAC area.

Anonymous said...

Hey Cait.
Sorry, I haven't done a lot of commenting on anyone's blog lately.
And I missed your mascara question on mine until this afternoon. I haven't tried any of Max Factor's mascaras, so I can't help you there. MF is one of the higher-end drugstore brands, and historically, they have been makeup providers to the stars. I have been impressed with their Lipfinity (though it is drying, it does stay put!). I'm afraid that until this XXL thing, I've soley been a Great Lash girl. Wish I could be of more help!