Friday, July 13, 2007

Venting and a tiny update

Hello All,

Tomorrow morning between 9-11 am our new table is being delivered. Yeah! Tomorrow night Kyle has his 20th high school reunion. He’s looking forward to it!

Below are a few pics from the 4th of July. Of course, I forgot to take pictures most of the day, so I tried to catch up at the very end of the cook-out!

Me & my mum

My brother Rob, mum & I

We had a great 4th. We headed to my mum's for a cookout. We skipped the parade this year. I'm not a huge fan of crowds and I don't want to bump into people from high school that I have no desire to reconnect with. Anyway, after the cookout we headed to my friend Megan's parent's house and played games and had a yummy dinner. It was a great 4th and b-day for me :) It was also nice to have 6 days off from work but boy did they fly by!

My first day back at work started off bad! I am being forced to switch positions again. This happened before around 3 years ago. They are making me switch jobs with a co-worker and I’m just dreading it b/c her job is much more boring than mine & I know it firsthand b/c I used to do it!. I guess this is just YET another sign that I desperately need a new job.

I did apply for the position with HUD, but I don’t have a great feeling about the essay questions I had to submit. I’ve decided I’m going to give myself a solid year to actively job search. Hopefully it won’t take that long. I know I should be thankful that I have a job. It is just a really negative and oppressive environment and it can really bring ya down. Ugh!!

Anyway, I need to try not to let all this work stuff bring me down. I keep saying one of my favorite quotes to myself by Eleanor Roosevelt," No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Hopefully I'm going thru this to teach me something!!!!

Anyway, take care all and have a fantastic weekend!


Tami said...

Hey, I love your shirt! I hope you had a great birthday/4th. Believe it or not, I did go out and buy you a really nice birthday card before your actual birthday. Maybe one of these days it will make it out of my purse and into the mail.

For some reason I could have sworn that you already had that HUD job. Don't know where I got that idea. But I'm having work stress myself so it may have affected my focus on the important stuff! Good luck getting the job with HUD though! I'm sure your essay answers were better than you are thinking.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tami... I love that shirt too but it is empire waist and not that flattering, which you can't tell from that picture.

Anyway, thanks for your empathy about the job thing. I'm really strssed! Sorry, it has been so bad for you too! I hate bringing crap home with me. I wish I could just leave it at work. I just wish they could be more honest about what is really going on! Oh well. Have a great weekend!

Maureen "Mo" Reilly said...


love the pics! sorry to hear the job is getting to you! I know how you feel - I am getting sick of mine as well! Maybe we can both find something new by the end of the year!

Can't wait to see you all in a couple of weeks!

Anonymous said...

Love the pics. TOTALLY understand the job stress thing. Good luck with HUD, keep us posted!

And hope you had a great bday too! ;)