Saturday, April 21, 2007

Spring is Here, FINALLY!!

Hi All!

Well, it was in the 70's here today and we are just loving it. For the past several days, it was raining and really gross out, so needless to say we are loving the weather.

Today we had a really productive day. Kyle's Birthday is this coming week, April 25th. He's getting a bike, so today we went looking and found one for him. It is a mountain bike (Raleigh.) He's already used it and loves it. We just need to get him a helmet. We are renting a house on Cape Cod this summer for a week with my sister Megan and her family and they all have bikes. The town of Falmouth, where we will be has a 3 mile bike path that cuts through the town, so there is lots of cycling to do. Tonight we went out for a nice stroll and I walked the dog and Kyle rode next to us. It was fun!!

Today we also picked out new rugs for the condo, which I am beyond thrilled about! WHOOO! They should be installed by the time our friends Moriah & Eric visit. Thank God. By the way Tami, have you looked into flights?? Hint, Hint!

We attempted to watch two movies tonight but bailed on both of them. The first was Volver, which is a Spanish movie with Penelope Cruz but we could not get the subtitles to work for some odd reason. The second movie was Children of Men and we gave that about 10 minutes and then turned it off because of a lack of interest on both of our parts. Now Kyle is in the living room watching Dodge Ball. It is on TV, we didn't rent it. I watched it for the first half hour and must amidst that I chuckled several times! I decided to get off the couch and log on because I haven't been posting much and there is actually a lot to write about lately. Plus, I would not want to disappoint any of you who regularly check our blog like my Aunt Mo :)

We had a great weekend last weekend with two of our nieces, but I never posted about it like I had planned to. Sorry!!! In a nutshell, we went to the movies with them and saw Are we Done Yet?, went to Plaster Fun Time, which is a craft place for kids. Kyle pained a really cute frog that we have on one of our bookshelves. Then we had dinner at Friendly's. It was fun and the kids kept us very busy!

Tonight we went to Auto Zone and next store is a Michael's and since I have NO interest whatsoever in car stuff, I went into Michael's while Kyle bought new windshield wipers for our car. So, I browsed around Michael's and was determined to buy myself a craft project. After perusing the entire store, I narrowed it down to needlepoint and beads for jewelry making. Kyle was REALLY losing his patience with me because there was a LOT of beads to look at and I was taking forever so I decided to go with the needlepoint. I went with a starter project because I am not the best at following directions and it was only $5.00. I still want to go back and look at the beads because I'd love to buy stuff to make some necklaces and bracelets but I should save up because by the time you buy beads, string, etc... it adds up.
Anyway, while we were watching Dodge Ball I ripped open the needlepoint project and boy am I in over my head. It is way more complex than I realized. So much for an easy beginner project. Tami--all your craftiness is inspiring me.

Well, tomorrow is Sunday and we are planning to visit my mom and take Rosie to the dog park. I am also hoping to take a picture of Kyle on his bike for you all to see and maybe even his frog!!!! Have a great weekend everyone! Happy Spring.


Maureen "Mo" Reilly said...

Cait and Kyle

Nothing like nice spring weather to lift your spirits! Love the new bike - sure you will get lots of use of it; especially in Falmouth.

I like your plaster frog! very colorful:)

Don't blame you for bowing out of Children of Men - its a rather depressing movie!

We rented "Bobby" over the weekend - and liked it - although, granted, he was a childhood hero, so I was bound to like it. The best parts were when Estavez actually used real footage and you could hear the "speeches" of Kennedy.

I won't tell you what we did this weekend - you have to read my blog!


Tami said...


I'm looking into flights (if confirming with Dad that the frequent flier miles offer counts as looking into flights...). I still need to get the time off from work. What days do you want me there? I really want to come out and see everyone!

Tami said...

Oh yeah, and if I make it out there, I will help you with the needlepoint.

Anonymous said...

I love your "buddha frog". Hehe. :)

Happy Birthday to Kyle! :)

And heck, I'd come visit sometime.

Have a good rest of the week!