Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The loss of my father

Hi All,

My father died this morning. We received a call yesterday that hospice felt he was nearing the end and that we should head to NH to be there for him. My sister Megan & I left Braintree around 4pm and arrived in NH around 7:30. My father looked much worse than the time I had seen him just a little over a week before. He was extremely fidgety and agitated. We stayed with him until after 10pm. My step-mom, Barbara requested a cot so that she could sleep right next to him. He died around 12:30 am. Barbara said he died peacefully in his sleep.

It was so upsetting to see him suffering last night and I feel at peace knowing he is no longer in pain. He fought a hard long fight.

We will be having a funeral for him in Keene, NH on Saturday and then a memorial mass on Monday in my hometown. I have not slept in over 32 hours and am physically and emotionally exhausted. We've known for a few years that my dad had a limited amount of time left, and we thought we could prepare ourselves but there is no way to prepare for this. I am very sad :(


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Cait. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Brigette said...

I am glad he is no longer in pain but I know that you and your family are in great pain now. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Brigette and Justin

Adalyn's World Views said...

So sorry Cait. I wish I had some comforting words. THinking about you this weekend.

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad in January after a battle with cancer, and I know what you mean, there is no preparing for it. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.


Joie said...

Dear Cait,

I'm so very sorry. I haven't been being online much, so I'm just reading this tonight. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. You have my deepest sympathies.

I know how exhausting and draining this sort of thing can be, so as you are able, please try to take good care of yourself.
And if you need someone to talk to, please give me a call.

With all my love,
