Monday, June 16, 2008

Raincoat for Rosie

Hi All,

Rosie really dislikes the rain. She hates getting her paws wet and will actually jump puddles. It is so hilarious to see her leap over puddles. Boy can she jump high. I've been wanting to but her a doggie raincoat for sometime now. I found the coat below online and am debating on ordering it. Now I know most dogs don't like to wear clothes but Rosie is used to it since she wears a vest everyday and we also dress her up every Halloween! The three pictures in this post are the various raincoats available for dogs her size. My favorite is the pink one but so far I can't find it in large. I'm going to keep looking. I also can't really tell if the pink one has a hood. She DEFINITELY needs a hood. Let me know what ya'll think :)


Anonymous said...

OMG. SOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! You just made my day! Thanks! :D

I love the pink camoflage. :D

Anonymous said...

I like the pink one, but you're right, it isn't clear if it has a hood. i would guess it does by the thing on the back, but I'm not sure. If it doesn't have a hood, the yellow one on top seems to, but I agree the pink is better than the yellow.

Ha ha! We had a water-dog that hated water too. My first dog was a Golden, and she would cry to go out, see it was raining and WAIT!! When her paws got wet she would raise them in what looked like disgust. Lol...

Adalyn's World Views said...

That is so precious. Very stylish too. I once had a poodle that would walk on two legs if the grass was wet. It was hillarious.

Anonymous said...

I saw the pink one on ebay, has detachable hood. I found a few more too:

scroll down to see several options here:

Hee hee. That was fun! I have seen booties too! :-)
