Sunday, April 13, 2008

Adoption Poem & New Outfit

Hi All,

We had a pretty low-key weekend b/c Kyle had to do an overnight shift on Friday. On Saturday, he was super tired as a result of working all night so I was left to my own devices on Saturday. I called a few friends @ that last minute but they all had plans. I wound up enjoying the gorgeous weather and sitting outside and finishing my book (The Year of Magical Thinking.) It was a good book but somewhat depressing. It hit 71 degrees here and I felt like a new person in the warm weather. It just makes me feel so alive. I must add though that today was back to the high 40's.

On Saturday night we went to the Bass Pro shop to get Kyle a few b-day gifts and then to the new LL BEAN store. My hubby let me use his gift certificate to buy myself an outfit. Like I really need any more clothes! I do love my new khaki pants and cardigan sweater though. What do you all think? Thanks Kyle!

I had to post an anonymous poem I found a few weeks ago online about adoption because I think it rocks. I'm not into poetry much but love this.

“I didn’t give you the gift of life,
But in my heart I know.
The love I feel is deep and real,
As if it had been so.
For us to have each other
Is like a dream come true.
No, I didn’t give you The gift of life,
Life gave me the gift of you.”– Author Unknown


Anonymous said...

Love LLBean!! I have that sweater in another color but the zip up one! Love it!

Enjoyed the poem! One of my favorite things I've come across in my work with adoptions is a parent who had a birth child and an adopted child. In some families the adopted child might struggle with self esteem issues compared to the birth children as 'real' children or something (well you were adopted!). But this parent had made the adopted child feel so special that when the children were arguing one day, the adopted child said, "Well, I'm very special. Mom and dad picked me out to adopt. You just showed up and they had to keep you." :-) Love that story!
