Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Recap

We had a great weekend. On Saturday, Kyle played golf with his three brother-in-laws on my side and I hung out with my sister Megan. Megan's b-day was on the 5th, so I took her and her kids out to lunch @ Panara Bread. After that, I was planning to go home but decided to hang with my sister since the guys were off golfing. We hung out @ her house for awhile and got the string beans ready for Easter and had tea. Then we decided to take my nephew to see a movie because her other two kids had other plans. We went to see FireHouse Dog which was really cute.

After that, Kyle and I headed to my brother's house for game night and that was a blast. We played Bingo and Cranium. Bingo was to include the kids. We even got prizes! Then the adults played Cranium in a guys vs. gals match. It was a lot of fun... The gals got the winner take all question so they won, but the guys were up by 2 prior to that...We were home around midnight, which is late for us :) Fun night had by all.

We had Easter @ my sister Deirdre's house. We had dinner around 2pm and then the kids had a Easter egg hunt after. We all watched the master's golf tournament after that. We got home around 7pm. It was a great day. Deirdre made the most delicious cake and I had to post a picture of it. She made it last year and I went crazy over it so she was so sweet to make it again. I kept calling it "my cake." Let me know if anyone wants the recipe :)

This coming weekend we are having our niece Alyssa sleep over. This will be her first time having a sleepover with us! It should be fun! I'll sign off with a picture that was taken of Kyle & I on Easter. Hope you are all having a great week.


Anonymous said...

Yummy looking cake, cute pic y'all. :) Great talking to you Cait. Don't be a stranger. :)))

Maureen "Mo" Reilly said...

Cait and Kyle

Glad to hear you had a good Easter weekend! I miss that raisin sauce!

Do post the recipe for the cake, looks excellent!


Anonymous said...

I heart Panera!! Our nearest one is about a half hour away, so we haven't been.... I think it is close to the only JC Penney's in the area, so maybe we'll make a day of it once the weather stops sucking.

Sounds like a great holiday!! Glad things are going well!