Monday, March 8, 2010

2010 Update

I’m sure we’ve been keeping you all is suspense since we have not updated in over two months. We’ve had a lot going on. Things have progressed pretty swiftly on the surrogacy front. Caitlin was on the nightly fertility shots for 10 days and then the egg retrieval occurred this past Saturday. Prior to the surgery, we were hoping for around 4-6 eggs. Unfortunately they were only able to retrieve 2eggs. The next step was finding out if we had embryos. We were in Target on Saturday morning and got the good news that we had two embryos.

Today at 3:15 pm our surrogate was implanted and now we are waiting. We have to wait 11 days before our surrogate can have a blood test to find out if she’s pregnant. The next 11 days are going to feel like an eternity. We would really appreciate prayers and positive thoughts for the next few weeks.

Cait’s also been really stressed about her mom Kerry. She had a bad fall several weeks ago when Cait had her out doing errands. Kerry wound up in rehab for a few weeks and is now staying with Cait’s oldest sister. It has been a really rough couple of months. We are really hoping that we have some good news coming. We’ll try to update more frequently!