Friday, October 10, 2008

This is Why We Love Dogs So Much!!!

Please click on this link below and watch the video on the page! We promise you won't be disappointed!

Thanks for sharing Kerri!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Happy 5th B-day Rosie

Rosie turned 5 today. We can't believe it! Boy does time fly.

This past weekend we babysat our niece and nephew and took them to get pumpkins. First we went to our nephew Colin's football game and on the way home we stopped and got pumpkins.
Below is a shot of Michaela and I at the game. I let her get a blue ring pop that made her tongue and lips blue.

Can you see her blue lips??

Above is a shot of Conor right after we bought his pumpkin. He was so excited.

Here are both of the cuties with their pumpkins on my ramp. Notice Conor's tie. He was so excited to go out with us that he wanted to get dressed up. How cute is that?

On Sunday, we went to a local furniture chain, (Jordan's Furniture), Target and then to Kyle's Sister's house. Below is a shot of me with our niece Alyssa

Above is a shot of us playing bowling on the Wii. I love the Wii. It is so fun!

I bought Rosie a special bone that she gulped up in about 1 minute!

Tonight I made Shepherd's pie for dinner. It was yummy but not diet friendly. Yes, I'm still doing WW although I have been slacking somewhat these days.

Hope all is well with everyone!
