Monday, January 26, 2009

To My Fellow Democrats

My friend from work shared this with me and I had to post it to share with my liberal pals. No mean to offend, it just made me chuckle.

Dear Planetary Citizen:

We, the United States of America, your top quality supplier of the ideals of liberty and democracy, would like to apologize for our 2001-2009 interruption in service. The technical fault that led to this eight-year service outage has been located, and the software responsible was replaced January 20. Early tests of the newly installed program indicate that we are now operating correctly, and we expect it to be fully functional in the near future.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the outage. We look forward to resuming full service and hope to improve in years to come. We thank you for your patience and understanding,



Brigette said...

Hee hee. Funny no matter who you voted for really.

i'm totally freaked about this new stimulus plan. it is like we are finding money we don't have out of thin air. aggghhh!

I just saw on your 'today in history' about the Challenger exploding 1/28/86. I lived in FL then and we always went outside to watch the shuttle in the sky. I vividly remember being in Ms. Payton's third grade class, seeing something was not right, and then watching it explode. So much more horrible than watching it on TV. They sent us home from school early that day. Wow. Flashback.

love ya!

A Day in the Life of Cait & Kyle said...

Hi Brig,
I love your blog!! Snow mountain looks so fun!
I just loved the thing I posted on my last post. Thought it was very creative. Most of my friends that are Republicans will admit that Bush really set us back in a lot of ways. I am just really happy that my child will be born under this administration. As a person who knows what it is like to be "different," I have learned to celebrate those differences and truly embrace diversity. If we all thought the same, it would be such a boring world!!!
That is so scary that you witnessed the Chalenger explosion with your own eyes. How scary that must have been!!!Especially at such a young age :(
I miss you! Give Justin a big smooch and hug 4 me :)

A Day in the Life of Cait & Kyle said...

P.S. I agree with you about the stimulus package. Obviously the first one did not help so why are we doing yet another one? I was againist the first one too. I guess I need more of a finance backgroud to understand all this. I know that we did not spend our stimulous (sp) check like they has hoped. We put it right in the bank and will probably do the same with the next one. I was listening to NPR b4 the last stimulus check went out and some guy from VT called in to say that he refused to spend his check b/c he did not agree with the idea and felt that it was just going to get us more in the whole. I thought it was pretty cool!

A Day in the Life of Cait & Kyle said...

Whole = hole

One of these days I'll learn to proof read my writing b4 hitting publish :)

Brigette said...

it should spell check for us!! i have never learned to spell, it is awful. always got A's is spelling because i'm a study nerd though.

hugs and kisses to your hubby too!

keep an eye out for a winter postcard from yellowstone in the next few weeks. i'm sure you are sick of the snow but we can't wait to play in it!

we find out baby's gender the day before we leave...not sure if it will make it on the blog til we get back though!! :-)
